Here a cool story.. Since I was a kid I’ve always heard about this black 66 Chevelle that used to be a notorious street racer in the late 70’s early 80’s owned by a fella named Mike Graham. Mike was friends with Carl MCQuillen and this was one of the cars that put Carl on…Read moreRead more
New Engine in 66 Chevelle SS

Can’t Find It Make It

Garnish moulding process… cut cut cut weld weld weld…. customer couldn’t find the correct mouldings for his 5w so we cut some randoms up to fit. #1932ford #1934ford #1933ford #welding #hotrod #hotrodshop#makingshitwork @ Old Soul Hot Rod Shop
FOR SALE: 1934 Ford 5w coupe body SOLD!!

Thinking today that I have way to many cars to build, I’m a hoarder of early Ford bodies and I should sell some. So I had this picture on my phone so I’m posting this one. 1934 Ford 5w coupe. Body is straight but needs subrails and floors, I guess it needs the obvious usual…Read moreRead more
Pro Street and Old Street

Pro street and old street! We don’t do much Pro Street action but our good friend Tommy wants to build another race car so we can’t help but get our little hands involved in the fabricating end, fun to build anything! #prostreet#sbc #4inchchop #1930ford #modelacoupe #choppedacoupes#oldsoulhotrodshop
Tack Tack Tack….

Tack tack. I like to see how other people go about their work so I figured I would share our cut lines and progress as well. Nothing special just an A too chop.#choppedacoupe #hotrod #4inchchop #hotrodshop
Shop Car: Cut, Trim, Fit

Cut ,trimmed ,and fit today. Tacked the sail panels as well. 4” chop. #modelacoupe #choppedacoupes#topchop #hotrod #hotrodshop #ford #earlyford#1930ford
Shop Car: 4″ Chop

We decided it was time, laid out a 4” chop got her stripped and braced and cut the roof on the shop coupe. Roof is just sitting on top for now, we will button her up after the first but I like it so much more already. Happy new year folks. #modelachop#topchop #hotrod #hotrodshop #1930ford #1931ford#cutthefucker
’34 Subrails, Floors and Tunnel

34 subrails, floors and tunnel done. Onto the next. #1934ford #model40#hotrodfloors #1933ford #1932ford #hotrodshop @ Old Soul Hot Rod Shop